Mike and Kyla at Bellagio

I am so grateful to know these two lovebirds. They have blessed my life in ways unimaginable, and I don't tell them enough. I've been lucky enough to have known Kyla for going on 12 years and we have always been closely connected at heart. We have only actually hung out in real life twice since middle school, but she is still such an influential and important person in my life.

Up until I met Kyla's husband Mike, I thought her combination of total grace and natural beauty were unmatched, But these two together, in their raw nerdy, unconditional love for one another, shine so blindingly beautiful. Their balance in likeness and difference are like the ying and yang I was once taught of. Their sense of comfort and adventure in one another is contagious, and makes you want to be a better partner to your own.

I was so lucky to have found a place to stay in their home and spend a lovely afternoon taking photos of them on the Vegas Strip. When I stumbled into the Bellagio after hobbling around all day, I fell in love, and new that the courtyard and the botanical garden would be ideal to capture their natural abundant love. It was a challenge to capture the space without a million other bodies interrupting us, but we made it work, their were incredibly patient with me, and I still feel blessed by these photos every day!